Thank GoodNess Dad
This blog is tailored for expecting, new, and learning dads. Here I will provide simple, smart, and clear recommendations for baby products and tips.
This is Ness, my firstborn son
He’s cooperative, fun, and awesome. At his expense and benefit, he’s helped me with my blog.

I am Jason, Dad of Ness
I’ve made products for Apple, Cruise, and various medical device companies. I’m often critical and persistent when it comes to researching products, driving my wife nuts. Finding great products and information for my son was not straightforward, so let me save you that pain.

Thank GoodNess Dad Got Good Game
I am one of the first amongst my close group of friends to become a dad. My son recently turned one and I started to get inquiries from soon to be fathers and even mothers about the baby products we chose. I learned that people want to know more from me, because I already scoured the web, filtered, purchased, tested, unboxed, and set up all the baby stuff at home. Dad got on all fours.
It’s not like buying baby products is solely on dad’s shoulders, mom will definitely have an opinion, but dad will have plenty of opportunity to step up. For example, it was I on weekends product testing while my wife Netflix’ed and Chilled with a giant melon attached to her hip. As I walked out of stores exhausted from product overload, she’d never forget to call asking to bring her fried chicken and french fries on the way home. Luckily, those are two of my favorite things she usually stops me from getting. Take advantage of those moments.
I saved all of the memories and research in the cloud and I intend to share them as I write this blog. This blog is about trying to be a better dad every single day. Thanks for reading!